Ok, me & Michael (yes, he has his own card now!) did a total of 4 transactions yesterday. But, I also went Saturday and last Monday as well...
Here's what I/we did yesterday:
Raincheck for Aleve-D for $0.99 (b/c after EB's last week, would have been this price)
-$0.99 Alave printed Q (was for $1, but adjusted it down)
Subtotal: $0.00 !!!
Tax: $0.09
TOTAL: $0.09 !!! Wooho!
Transaction #2
1 Soy Joy bar $0.50
1 Nivea Men Body Wash $4.99
1 Adidas Deodorant $4.99
-$2.00 off $10 cvs Q
-$1.00 Nivea Q
-$1.00 Adidas Q
-$2.00 EB's
-$3.99 EB's
Subtotal: $0.49
Tax $0.22
TOTAL: $0.71 !!!
Earned $4.99 & $4.00 ECB's for Nivea & Adidas
AirWick Refill $2.50
AirWick Warmer $0.99
2 Soy Joy Bars $1.00
Crest ProHealth Rinse $2.99
Colgate MaxFresh $1.65 on clearance!!
3 Shick Disposable Razors (.99each) $2.97
-$0.75 Q colgate
-$1.00 cvs colgate Q
-$0.99 shick ($2q adjusted down)
-$0.99 "
-$0.99 "
-$0.99 AirWick warmer free when u buy a refill
-$1.29 ECB
-$2.00/ $10.00 cvs Q
Subtotal: $3.10
Tax: $0.70
TOTAL: $3.80 Earn $2 ecb for Crest Rinse
Transaction#4 MICHAEL'S CARD!!!
Krabby Patty Gummies $1.49 (were $5.99 a few weeks ago!)
3 Atkins Bars $3.75
2 Maxwell House coffee $4.99 (Buy 1 Get 1 Free)
SpongeBob stretch toy $4.99
-$1.00 atkins bar Q
-$1.00 "
-$1.00 "
-$2.00 off $10.00cvs Q
Subtotal: $10.22
Tax: $1.19
TOTAL: $11.41
Not great, but I just wanted him to see me in action! lol...
I will try to get a total for $ OOP and $ Saved later today or tomorrow...